Lambton College’s $2.1 million Advanced Materials Engineering Research Lab designed to develop new engineering materials and manufacturing processes will open during an official ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 30. The new facility is aimed at improving the competitive edge of Ontario’s manufacturing sector.
Invitations have been sent to delegates from Ontario Innovation Trust, senior managers and researchers from local chemical industries, local dignitaries, and representatives from its corporate sponsor LANXESS to join officials from Lambton College in a ceremony to unveil the Advanced Materials Engineering Research Lab that gets under way at 1:30 p.m. outside Room P001A.
“We’re very proud of the Advanced Materials Engineering Research Lab, which is the College’s first lab dedicated solely to research. This lab provides a local state-of-the-art facility for the benefit of our students, local manufacturers, and the community at large, and demonstrates our strong commitment to applied research as a strategic direction,” said Tony Hanlon, President and CEO. Results from research into the use of polymer and biodegradable materials, and the use of advanced manufacturing technologies are easily transferable to the manufacturing floor.
LANXESS Technical Rubber Manufacturing Division and LANXESS Butyl Rubber Global Research and Development were the principle sponsors for this modern research facility. LANXESS has committed to contribute over a million dollars of in-kind and technical expertise to this multi-million dollar research project.
Both LANXESS and Lambton College were seeking ways to resource this exploratory project when the opportunity arose with the Ontario Innovation Trust. With LANXESS assistance, a funding proposal was submitted in April 2004 and in April 2005 the partnership members learned that although Lambton College was the smallest college that submitted a proposal, it received the largest grant of $723,000.
Ontario Innovation Trust was created by the provincial government to help Ontario’s universities, hospitals, colleges and research institutes enhance the infrastructure needed for scientific research and technology development.
This new research facility at the College’s Centre of Excellence for Process Manufacturing will be the site of collaborative research projects with LANXESS, led by Dr. Kim Choo to develop new thermoplastic products and technologies. As well, Choo has initiated discussion on a collaborative research project with the University of Western Ontario, and expects further joint endeavours will follow.
The Centre of Excellence for Process Manufacturing also consists of the College’s three flagship programs: Chemical Production Engineering Technology, Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology and Mechanical Technician – Industrial Maintenance.
Cindy Buchanan
Director, Marketing, Business Development & Innovation
Lambton College
Telephone: (519) 542-7751 ext. 3334 Fax: (519) 541-2446