Sarnia-Lambton Ontario remains first choice for solar industry with major project expansions

Sarnia-Lambton Ontario – The Solar Capital of Canada – Remains First Choice for Solar Industry with Major Project Expansions

First Solar has announced an additional 40 MW of solar production in two 20 MW sites in St. Clair Township in Lambton County (near Sarnia, Ontario) by 2011. This will bring First Solar’s planned capacity to 120 MW making Lambton County the Solar Capital of Canada. This caps off a busy month of activity and announcements of solar projects in our area.

First Solar and Enbridge were in the news last week with the announcement that their first 20 MW at the Sarnia Solar Farm is in live production and ownership has been assumed by Enbridge. This is now the largest operating solar farm in Canada and one of the largest in the world.

The two companies also announced that they would continue their partnership in the production of the remaining 60 MW of production (for a total of 80 MW) at the Sarnia First Solar location. This next phase of the development will constitute an additional investment of $300 million. The plan is to have this all installed and operational during 2010. This will require an expansion of the installation activity, services and most importantly jobs at the Sarnia Solar Farm site in 2010.

And why is Sarnia-Lambton rapidly becoming the solar capital of Canada? Peter Carrie, Vice President of First Solar Canada said, “It’s one of the sunniest parts of Ontario. It doesn’t get as much lake-effect snow as other locations do (so) winter maintenance is simplified.”
“Sarnia-Lambton also has flat land, good power infrastructure and co-operative electrical utilities,” Carrie added. “On the construction side it’s positive as well. We have access to a great professional work force.”

More projects are expected to be announced in the coming months as projects submitted for the Nov. 30 Ontario Power Authority (OPA) application deadline for the first window for new Feed In Tariff (FIT) contracts become public.

Sarnia Lambton Economic Partnership (SLEP) General Manager George Mallay commented on the recent activity, “Sarnia-Lambton has always been an energy centre and we are now leading the way in sustainable energy development.”

SLEP was also active in the last month with two representatives meeting with dozens of companies at the Solar Power Industry Association conference in Anaheim, California. SLEP also exhibited at the CANSIA (Canadian Solar Industry Association) tradeshow in Toronto. Both tradeshows were very active with a strong interest in Ontario and Lambton. Many companies are now expected to set up manufacturing operations because of the Green Energy Act, FIT rates and the accompanying Ontario Domestic Content requirements. The Ontario Government is expecting 50,000 new Green Jobs from the economic activity generated by the new Green Energy Act.

Media Contact:
George Mallay, General Manager
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership
519-332-1820 or toll-free 1-800-972-7642

To discuss Solar Business Opportunities:
Denis Van Decker, Project Leader – Alternative Energy Technologies
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership
519-332-1820 or toll-free 1-800-972-7642
519-466- 3341 mobile

George Mallay, General Manager
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership
519-332-1820 or toll-free 1-800-972-7642

Posted in: SLEP News