Play Works Recognizes Youth Friendly Communities during
National Youth Week
Toronto, May 5, 2011 – During National Youth Week, six Ontario communities are being recognized as “Youth Friendly” through the “Play Works Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program.” A Youth Friendly community is one that actively supports and provides opportunities for the growth and development of youth (ages 13 to 19) through play.
This year’s recipients, Norfolk County, the Cities of Peterborough, Burlington, Pickering, Sarnia and the Town of Whitby have all been acknowledged for their outstanding commitment to providing youth with opportunities to play, and to participate in and contribute to their communities. National Youth Week, which runs from May 1 to 7 each year and celebrates youth and their active participation in community life, is perfect opportunity to recognize these exceptional communities and the youth who have used their energy, creativity and skill to contribute to the vibrancy of their neighbourhoods, towns and cities.
The Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program celebrates communities that are taking steps to open their doors to youth by reinvesting in youth play. The rigorous selection process required communities to meet at least ten of sixteen youth-friendly criteria including providing opportunities for play, youth engagement, accessible programs and opportunities for youth activism. Since 2005, 39 Ontario communities have been recognized as Youth Friendly, ranging from small rural locations like the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve No. 26 to urban centres like the City of London. A complete list of communities can be found at:
Youth Friendly Communities can work towards different levels of recognition – Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum – depending on the number of criteria they meet. Many communities have applied in successive years in order to achieve “Platinum Status.” All of the successful communities will also be honoured at a special reception, to be held later this year.
Providing opportunities for youth to play is essential to the Youth Friendly Community principles. “Play isn’t just playing,” states Jennifer Cowie Bonne, the Play Works Chair, “it’s an essential and necessary aspect of development for youth. When communities make youth play a priority, they help youth reach their full potential. Youth Friendly Communities help to build a skilled and employable workforce, a creative cultural community, and healthier individuals – lessening the burden on our healthcare and social justice systems. Many communities large and small, urban and rural, are well on their way to being a youth friendly community.” And she adds, “The time for putting Ontario’s youth first is now.”
Applications are also now available for 2011. Please visit for full details.
Play Works is a group of organizations that are concerned about the future of our youth and have joined forces to bring back the power of play to Ontario’s young people. Play Works believes that there are communities across Ontario that are taking steps to open their doors to youth by reinvesting in youth play. To learn more about Play Works, the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program, The Cost of Excluding Ontario’s Youth from Play report, and the ‘Do It Yourself’ program, a one-time initiative to help fund youth organized activities, please visit:
The Play Works Partners are: 4-H Ontario, Arts Network for Children and Youth, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada – Central Region, Educational Research, Laidlaw Foundation, Ophea, Sport Alliance of Ontario, Parks and Recreation Ontario, YMCA Ontario
Play Works acknowledges and appreciates the support from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport.
Media Contact:
Diane English, Communications, Parks and Recreation Ontario
phone : 416-426-7306