A statement from Shell Manufacturing Centre in Sarnia, ON:
“Today we announced that Shell has stopped actively marketing the Sarnia Manufacturing Centre and associated infrastructure (the refinery, chemical plant, Sarnia and Hamilton Distribution terminals and Shell’s 45 per cent interest in Sun-Canadian Pipeline. As promised from the outset of the divestment process, Shell will continue to operate these assets, maintain its marketing presence in Ontario and continue to honour branded supply and wholesale agreements.
When we first announced our intention to divest in January of 2019, we stated it was to be a value-driven process rather than time-driven. Despite being in negotiations with a prospective buyer for some time those negotiations were unsuccessful. We have, therefore, decided to stop actively marketing the assets.
We are thankful for our staff and contractors who, despite uncertainty for nearly two years, have remained steadfastly focused on operating safely and reliably. Their professionalism and performance have been outstanding. This is evidenced in the business and safety results of our site.
Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic our teams came together to support each other, and we diverted resources to produce isopropyl alcohol to meet the surge in demand from manufacturers of sanitizers, supporting both the public and the healthcare sector.
Going forward we will continue to build on the momentum and achievements over the past two years, in particular on safety, reliability, and value for site. With our new General Manager, Pauline Buitink, firmly in role, we will look to get the best results for the site, the people working here, and for the community.”
Media Contact:
Olwen Gover
External Relations Manager
Shell Manufacturing Centre
Sarnia, ON
Office: 519-481-1433
Cell: 519-495-2462