Applications are being accepted from August 6, 2024, to September 17, 2024, at 4:59 pm Eastern Time.
Information from
What this program offers
Regions and communities across Canada host many exciting tourist attractions that bring people in and drive economic development. We want to celebrate the businesses behind those attractions and make sure they can grow and thrive. Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), the Tourism Growth Program (TGP) provides $108 million over 3 years (2023-2024 – 2025-2026) to support communities, small- and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in developing local tourism products and experiences. The RDAs are working in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and tourism partners to ensure the program is complementary to other supports for the tourism industry, helping to diversify regional economies and contributing to Canada’s economic growth.
The TGP contributes to the Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, which charts a course for long-term growth, investment, and stability in Canada’s tourism industry, from coast to coast to coast.
Indigenous applicants
Indigenous tourism is vital to our communities and the economic development and growth of Canada’s tourism industry. That is why it is a priority under the TGP. Through the $108-million TGP, approximately 15% will support Indigenous-led tourism initiatives. Indigenous applicants may submit their applications by contacting us at
Eligible applicants
Eligible applicants include:
- incorporated small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism industry
- Indigenous-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietors) or Indigenous tourism organizations
- not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and economic development organizations)
- governments (municipal/provincial/territorial and related entities)
Eligible activities
Eligible projects should provide added value to existing activities in the tourism industry and focus on business and economic growth. Priority may be given to projects that:
- support the Indigenous tourism industry
- increase tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban areas to rural areas
- support economic, environmental and cultural sustainability
- support active outdoor experiences
- extend the tourism season (e.g., new or expanded tourism offerings outside of the traditional high season)
- complement the support provided through provincial programs
The application deadline is on September 17, 2024, at 4:59 pm Eastern Time.
For more information about the program, how the funding works, how projects are assessed, and the application guidelines, please visit:
Before applying, applicants are encouraged to contact our team of Economic Development Officers who can help assess the fit with the program and provide advice on application preparation by calling (519) 332 1820 or email
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